Martin Hill Farms Ltd
Aberdeen Ohio
Martin Hill Farms is located in Aberdeen, Ohio. We grow a large variety of heirloom and other vegetables and fruits year ’round. We have been in operation since 2003 and we have offered CSA since 2007. In 2011 we extended our CSA Program to go year ’round. In 2013 we began ‘bringing CSA to your doorstep’, with home and office delivery offered to the Greater Cincinnati Ohio and Northern Kentucky area. Our CSA Members are now able to custom order and pay for whatever items they want each week from our current offerings.
Martin Hill Farms is operated by Michael Collins. All of the farm’s crops are planted, grown, harvested, packed and delivered by ‘Farmer Mike’. We utilize the best sustainable growing methods and systems we can devise. We use compost and simple water soluble naturally sourced fertilizers on our produce crops. We only use Organically approved products on our produce crops and only when necessary. When we source product from other local farm operations, we work with farmers whose growing philosophies are similar to our own.
Our goal in operating a farm is to contribute to the preservation of our local farmlands and small family farms that produce healthy food for local consumers. We recognize and seek to address the need for small family farming operations to be able to generate the income from farming operations necessary to be able to sustain and prosper from their operations. We hope to educate local consumers about the importance of their consistent support of our small family farms and about the consequences of our current food systems and infrastructure for our planet, our society and our health.